
The Basics of Traumatic Brain Injury

“He just doesn’t seem the same.  It looks like my husband, even sounds like him, but he’s just different.  I can’t really explain it, he just feels different to me.” When we hear these words, as personal injury attorneys experienced in handling traumatic brain injury… LEARN MORE

So You Think You Favor Tort Reform? Think Again.

The business community and chambers of commerce rant against the tort system, claiming that we need tort reform because of the obscene amount of money all those frivolous cases are costing, driving up consumer prices and insurance premiums.  Tort reform has been the drum beat… LEARN MORE

Insurance Reform on The Way?

Without fail, not a week goes by where we are forced to tell a new client, injured in a car crash, that there is nothing we could to help because the person who hit them had no insurance. These people leave our office in pain, angry and saddened by the state we live in. It is a crime that Florida… LEARN MORE

The Bed Rail Case

I was contacted by a new client who was grief stricken over the loss of his 92-year-old mother. His mother, who was bedridden in a nursing home setting was found dead, the bed rail trapping her head between the bottom of the rail and the mattress. She had become entrapped by the bed itself and… LEARN MORE

Around Town: Serving The Community

Digital Editions ePUBLISHER is a self-ePublishing platform that provides the ability to instantly create digital editions, 'on the fly' while encompassing Rich Media across the publication. Our digital publisher is designed to assist in reducing the dependency on paper and at the same time… LEARN MORE

Keeping Your Child Safe On The Road

This week is National Child Passenger Safety Week, which culminates on Saturday, September 21, with National Seat Check Day. At the personal injury law firm of Rader Law Group, we recognize the importance of child safety in automobiles. Car crashes are the leading cause of death for children ages… LEARN MORE

Florida’s New And Dangerous TeleMedicine Law

There was a time, not too long ago, when going to your doctor meant you were going to see someone who had known you over the years and had seen you healthy and ailing.   Your doctor knew you as a person and brought a level of observation and intuition into the treatment room that was far… LEARN MORE

Around Town: For the Kids

Our Online version of the Digital Edition no longer requires an Adobe Flash reader but retains all of the Rich Media features (videos, sound, page and website links) that have been so popular in our previous version. Giving you an optimised viewing experience on every device, from PC, netbooks,… LEARN MORE