
If I Fall, Do I Have A Case?

People hurt other people.  Sometimes its intentional, sometimes it is through carelessness, such as when a careless driver runs a red light and hurts or kills someone else.  If the victim lives, he has to live with the consequences caused by injury, including wage loss, medical bills, and changes… LEARN MORE

What is Negligence?

Negligence cases like automobile accidents seem straight forward to most lay people. If a car is sitting at a red light and gets hit from behind by another car, one would easily say that the person that caused the crash was negligent. But what does that word “negligent” really mean in the… LEARN MORE

Rader Law Group Explains The Path to Trial

It's not The Good Wife. You know, that TV show where a client comes in at the beginning of the show, explains their problem and then before the show ends they are in a trial. And the trials themselves are not like what they portray on TV either. You see the actors in the middle of trial and then,… LEARN MORE

Back to School Safety For South Florida Drivers

School is back in session this week in South Florida which can be chaos for drivers during their commute to work. Commuters love the summertime because they know there will be no delays at crosswalks, no school zones and less traffic overall. During the first week of school, there is an increased… LEARN MORE

Combating The Domestic Outbreak of Zika Virus

Zika in South Florida Recently, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the release of genetically engineered mosquitoes in Florida and the state is looking to an experimental study by a British company called Oxitec. The Florida Keys Mosquito Control District, in collaboration… LEARN MORE

Don’t Wait! You Only Have a Limited Time to Sue!

We had a potential client come to the office several months ago. She was a very nice lady who was involved in a motor vehicle crash with another car. It was not her fault; she was rear-ended at a stoplight. She sustained injuries to her neck and back at the scene and there were significant damages… LEARN MORE

Pokémon Go Possible Dangers – Players Beware

It's the newest craze in mobile games and the hottest topic on social media. Pokémon Go has become the top-downloaded app while also encouraging its players to exercise and explore real world social interactions. Unlike other games, the player needs to catch Pokémon creatures by moving around… LEARN MORE