
A Dog Attacked Me! How Can I Obtain Justice for My Injuries?

On a beautiful fall afternoon, you were walking in the park when an off-leash German Shepard started barking and running toward you at full speed with its teeth bared. Startled and scared, you screamed and looked around for a fallen branch or anything you could use to defend yourself against the… LEARN MORE

Florida Road Rules for Snowbirds

Last year, Florida welcomed more than 122 million travelers . Many of these visitors converge in beautiful Palm Beach County during the winter months to avoid the freezing weather at their home locales. If Florida is your home away from home for the winter, it’s important that you understand some… LEARN MORE

Case Verdict – Vehicle Dealership Lease Contract Dispute

In a case where our client leased a car for three years, the car dealership was refusing to sell the car for what the lease agreement said the payout was to be on our client’s lease. Board Certified attorney Andrew Rader wasn’t having any of that. He stepped in and after engaging the… LEARN MORE

Most Common Slip and Fall Injuries

It started as a day like any other. You ran some errands and met friends for lunch. But, in an instant, your life changed. While descending the stairs at the restaurant, you tripped, rolled down the stairs, and hit your head on the concrete. Your friend called for an ambulance, which rushed you to… LEARN MORE

I Slipped and Fell on a Sidewalk. Can I Sue? Who Is Liable?

For some people, slip/trip and fall accidents are merely annoying – you might feel embarrassed and uncomfortable from some cuts or black and blue marks, but otherwise you are fine. Not everyone is so lucky though. For others, especially the elderly, a slip/trip and fall can be a life-changing… LEARN MORE

Case Verdict – Rear-end Car Crash Pre-suit Settlement

Rader Law Group attorney Howard Weitzner recently obtained a $71,000.00 pre-suit settlement for our lovely client who was injured a rear-end car crash. Our client suffered an extreme aggravation of her pre-existing back and neck injuries, as well as her anxiety and depression. By diligently… LEARN MORE

My Baby Was Born with Cerebral Palsy. What Recourse Do I Have?

The doctor has diagnosed your beautiful baby with cerebral palsy. Nothing can emotionally prepare you for this moment. Like most parents in this situation, you probably felt a mixture of shock, anger, sadness and helplessness. How did this happen? Was it something you did? Was it something the… LEARN MORE

Case Verdict – Boca Raton Auto Accident

Rader Law Group attorney Howard Weitzner recovered $475,000.00 for our client injured in Boca Raton car crash. Our client was approaching a traffic light in the left-hand turn lane when the at fault driver suddenly merged into her lane from the right, causing serious injuries to her neck and back.… LEARN MORE