Dangers of a Passenger’s Feet on the Dashboard

Most of us have (or will) take a long road trip at some point. A common practice for the front seat passenger is to relax, recline their seat and put their feet on the dashboard. Seems comfortable and safe enough, right? Wrong! An airbag, normally considered a safety feature, deploys between 100… LEARN MORE

What Are The Basics of a Personal Injury Case?

Have you or someone you love been harmed by the carelessness or neglect of others? It may be in your best interest to pursue a personal injury lawsuit to obtain compensation for the significant losses you have suffered every day for your injuries. Before pursuing a case, here are some answers to… LEARN MORE

Have You Planned For Your Pet If You Are Injured?

Imagine you’re driving home after having lunch with a friend, and suddenly you are struck by another car. You wake up in the hospital hours later and realize you’ve suffered severe injuries and need to be hospitalized for a week. The first thing that comes to mind is that your pet has been home… LEARN MORE

Rader Law Group Explains The Path to Trial

It's not The Good Wife. You know, that TV show where a client comes in at the beginning of the show, explains their problem and then before the show ends they are in a trial. And the trials themselves are not like what they portray on TV either. You see the actors in the middle of trial and then,… LEARN MORE

What Happens After My Attorney Files a Lawsuit?

After your attorney files your lawsuit (a Complaint) in the Court, the Defendant(s) will be tracked down and the Complaint and suit papers will be literally hand delivered to them (service of process).  The Defendant will then have 20 days to respond or “Answer” the Complaint. Both… LEARN MORE

Getting Hurt in The Workplace in South Florida

Everyone has the right to work in a safe environment, but unfortunately not everyone works in a safe building. If the owner of the building in which you work hasn’t made the effort to properly maintain the building, an accident could potentially be disastrous and even life threatening. Whether… LEARN MORE

Work With Dedicated Personal Injury Lawyers

A lot of personal injury lawyers seem to only care about the bottom line. These lawyers may take on a case not caring if they win or lose, going through any means necessary to maximize their own profits without caring for the clients. We handle things a little differently at Rader Law Group,… LEARN MORE

Protect Yourself from Questionable Insurance Practices

Every driver needs reliable car insurance. We pay our hard earned money to insurance companies that promise to be a good neighbor and keep us in good hands. But catchy commercial slogans don’t always tell the whole story. If you are involved in an automobile accident in South Florida, can you… LEARN MORE