We’ve completed another trip around the sun so it’s time to welcome 2024! No matter how you decide to usher in the new year, you’ll want to do it safely. Sadly, many people start the evening celebrating with friends and family and end the night in the hospital emergency room. Let’s review some safety tips to help avoid this situation happening to you:
- Drink responsibly. Make sure to alternate alcoholic beverages with nonalcoholic beverages and food to slow your body’s absorption of the alcohol. If you start to feel unwell, stop drinking alcohol right away. If you see a friend who has had too much to drink, call them a cab to make sure they return home safely.
- Be a responsible host. If you are a host, stop serving alcohol a few hours before the party ends to minimize the risk of your guests driving home while intoxicated. Additionally, if there will be underage guests at your party, offer a variety of mocktails for them to try; in fact, adults may like these too. Don’t succumb to the pressure of being the “cool parents” and allowing minors to drink. This could result in both civil and criminal charges against you – not a good way to start the new year.
- Plan your transportation in advance. If you are drinking with a group of friends, one could be the designated driver to ensure everyone arrives home safely. Another alternative would be to take a taxi or rideshare service. Or, if you really want to live it up, rent a stretch limousine to chauffer you and your friends around town.
- Drive safely. If you are the designated driver, take extra precautions when you are driving on New Year’s Eve. Even though you are sober, there are many drunk drivers on the road who may be driving erratically. Since it will be dark, visibility is lower than during the daytime. You will also likely be tired if you are driving home late, which can increase the likelihood of an accident. Make sure to keep your eyes on the road and hands on the steering wheel at all times.
Making smart and safe choices can help start your new year with a bang! If you are injured on New Year’s eve due to someone else’s negligence, call Rader Law right away. The consultation is free and we will advise you of your options from a legal perspective.
Have a happy and safe 2024!Rader Law Group, LLC
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