
The Painful Truth about Medical Malpractice

Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes at our jobs. But when it comes to medical errors, they can be extremely costly to your health and overall quality of life. South Florida has some of the finest hospitals and medical professionals in the state. But even the best doctors aren’t immune to… LEARN MORE

Get the Help You Deserve from a Car Accident Attorney

Each year, 20-50 million people are injured or disabled in car accidents. Though cars are continually being designed for increased safety, there are still seemingly countless accidents on the roads each day. Just because car accidents and their injuries are common does not mean that you should be… LEARN MORE

The Case of The Obvious – But Wrong – Fault

Arthur Conan Doyle, the great Sherlock Holmes author, once wrote: “There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.” This became abundantly clear to us recently in one of our cases. Our client, a 58 year old woman, was knocked unconscious when she crashed into the side of a trailer being… LEARN MORE

Why You Need an Accident Attorney

Being in a car accident can be a scary ordeal, especially if there are injuries or the car is severely damaged or worse, totaled. The last thing you need is the stress of hiring an accident attorney. The best time to look for an automobile accident attorney is prior to being in one, or at least… LEARN MORE