Business Litigation Tort Cases
You Did Me Wrong!
Defrauded? Suffering from another’s bad faith in a business deal gone bad? Squeezed out of a commission you earned? Otherwise abused in a business relationship? Call us today!
- Many people think that the only legal remedy for a business deal gone bad is a lawsuit for breach of contract. But there are many types of suits that address different types of wrongs. Injunctions stop another person from doing something, breach of fiduciary duty cases speak to a betrayal in the business relationship, unfair trade practices may cover, for example deceit, intellectual property or trademark violations, misrepresentation may involve lying to induce you to enter a business relationship. Maybe several people, both inside and outside the business conspired together. There are as many types of cases as there are wrongdoings, and we prosecute or defend them, often all in the same suit.
- Fraud- misrepresentation
- Tortious Interference with a Business Relationship- they knew you had this relationship and they wrongfully destroyed it
- Negligent Misrepresentation- possibly causing you to enter into an agreement you otherwise would not have entered.
- Deceptive or Unfair Trade Practices
- Conspiracy- an agreement by others to do something illegal, , or to do something legal by illegal means
- Conversion and Civil Theft- wrongfully taking your money or property (Thief!)
- Breach of Fiduciary Duties- betrayal by a person in trust
The business litigation attorneys at Rader Law Group are well-versed in prosecuting and defending business torts. Our attorneys diligently explore all potential causes of action, avenues of recovery and defenses.
Breach of Fiduciary Duty Claims
You repaid my trust with betrayal!
When one person reposes in another their trust and confidence, and the other person accepts that trust and confidence, a fiduciary duty is born. The fiduciary must act in the best interest of the company or person to whom they owe the duty. Fiduciaries are held to a high standard and must be honest, forthright and operate with full disclosure to their clients. Fiduciary relationships have been found to exist in the following contexts: broker-client, agent-principal, managing member-members, corporate officer-shareholder, trustee-beneficiary, executor-heir, and attorney-client, or any other relationship where there’s an expectation of trust and confidence.
Sometimes fiduciaries betray the trust to satisfy their own self-interests. Our business litigation attorneys know what it takes to successfully handle a breach of fiduciary duty claim, which is all too common in Florida.
If fiduciary duties are breached, both legal damages and equitable relief may be available. Legal damages include both monetary compensatory damages as well as punitive damages, which are meant to penalize the breaching party and prevent him or others from acting in this way again in the future. Equitable remedies can include anything from injunctive relief, forcing the fiduciary to act a certain way or preventing him from doing something, to the disgorgement of profits or commissions.
It is important that your business attorney not leave any stones unturned. Your business attorney must explore all potential avenues of recovery and fully investigate the facts of your loss to truly maximize your recovery. Let the business litigation attorneys of Rader Law Group go to work for you today.
When you have Rader Law Group, LLC on your side, you know you’re getting outstanding representation. Call today. 954-913-CASE (2273).