If you were seriously injured in a car crash, chances are you want to know how long it will take to receive compensation for your injuries. You need access to funds now: medical bills keep piling up, you may be out of work, you may be incurring costs for psychological care to overcome the trauma from the accident, you may even need to retrofit your home to accommodate a wheelchair or other medical equipment. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question, it can range from months to years. Each case is unique and there is no “average” due to all the factors that impact this outcome.
What Are Some Factors that Determine Your Speed of Settlement?
Determining the Economic Costs of Your Injuries
Before your attorney can know how much to demand from the insurance company, they first have to know the extent of your medical treatment bills. This means that you need to have reached your maximum medical improvement (MMI) and be at a point in treatment that medical experts can foresee your future costs. If your injuries are severe, it can take time to reach this point.
We also must determine the amount of your lost wages or loss of ability to earn income. This can be done by obtaining critical documents from your employment, like pay stubs, time sheets or tax returns. Sometimes, experts like vocational rehabilitation specialists and economists may need to be hired to calculate this loss.
Determining Liability
The opposing party will not want to pay out for your injuries. Many will deny fault or claim that you are at fault in an effort to offset the amount they are liable to pay. Florida law uses comparative liability, which means that both parties can be at fault for the accident. Your attorney and the opposing side’s attorney will need to hash out how much each party is at fault for the accident before they agree to pay for your injuries. This can become even more complex in multi-vehicle accidents. One way to help expedite this process is to take detailed photos and videos at the accident scene, as well as ask witnesses for their contact information.
How Difficult the Insurance Company Is to Work With
Some companies are notoriously difficult to work with – taking as long as the law allows to respond, lowballing the cost of your injuries, and doing everything in their power to encourage you to walk away with less than you deserve. The attorneys at Rader Law Group know the art of negotiation and will not back down from fighting the insurance companies. In some cases, we are left with no choice but to take them to court and litigate the case. This can significantly add to the timeline for receiving your compensation.
Another factor to consider is the amount of potential insurance coverage. The size of the policy, compared to the potential value and size of your claim, can of course impact an insurance carrier’s thought process on how and when a claim should be resolved.
How Large a Settlement You Are Seeking
Smaller claims can often be resolved relatively quickly. The larger and more complex the claim, the harder and longer the opposing side will fight to lower it.
The attorneys at Rader Law Group relentlessly pursue justice for our clients, even if that means going to court. If you have been injured in a car accident, contact us right away to start the process for you.
Rader Law Group, LLC
With decades and decades combined experience, the attorneys at Rader Law Group understand the meaning of Justice. Our one and only mission is to get each client the justice he or she deserves; our team of attorneys never back down when we know our client is right.
We offer our clients the compassion and guidance they need as they work through trying times in their lives. The balance of working relentlessly for our clients combined with our caring approach has helped us achieve a fantastic record of success with our clients. We get our clients the justice they deserve.
At Rader Law Group, You matter. Your justice matters. Your Justice Starts Here. 954-913-2273.