Last year, Florida welcomed more than 122 million travelers . Many of these visitors converge in beautiful Palm Beach County during the winter months to avoid the freezing weather at their home locales. If Florida is your home away from home for the winter, it’s important that you understand some key Florida road rules, since they may be different than those in your home state or country.
Car Registration
If you will be living in Florida for 90 days or more and bring one of your cars, you must register the car in Florida. This is true whether you stay for one long 90+ day stay or multiple shorter visits that collectively add up to 90 days.
Car Insurance
As part of registering your car in Florida, you must insure it with a policy from an insurance company that is licensed to operate in Florida. The legal minimum for car insurance in Florida is $10,000 of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage and another $10,000 of Property Damage Liability (PDL) coverage. If you are in an accident or pulled over for any reason and do no not have this insurance, you may be subject to suspension of your license or registration as well as a $500 reinstatement fee.
As attorneys who specialize in pursing justice for victims of car crash injuries, we strongly urge you to speak with your insurance agent about also purchasing uninsured / underinsured motorist coverage and bodily injury liability coverage. Depending on the age and condition of your car, you may also benefit from comprehensive insurance. While these additional coverages are not legally required and skipping them may save you some money on the premium, if you are involved in a serious accident, these additional policies will be your financial lifeline.
Important Steps If You Are in An Accident
The law requires that you call the police if there is more than $500 worth of damage; however, it’s a good idea to call the police for any accident because sometimes you may think you are fine, but later on realize that you are actually injured.
Visit a doctor, urgent care or hospital to be examined by a medical professional after the accident. Your PIP insurance requires that you visit the doctor within 14 days to be able to make a medical claim. However, you should visit as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours, because the longer you wait, the easier it will be for the insurance company to deny your claim and insist that your injury is due to another cause.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to sunny South Florida. While you are here, if you are injured in a car accident that you believe was not your fault, contact Rader Law Group right away at 954-913-2273. We will fight for your rights so you can receive justice for your injuries.
Rader Law Group, LLC
With decades and decades combined experience, the attorneys at Rader Law Group understand the meaning of Justice. Our one and only mission is to get each client the justice he or she deserves; our team of attorneys never back down when we know our client is right.
We offer our clients the compassion and guidance they need as they work through trying times in their lives. The balance of working relentlessly for our clients combined with our caring approach has helped us achieve a fantastic record of success with our clients. We get our clients the justice they deserve.
At Rader Law Group, You matter. Your justice matters. Your Justice Starts Here. 954-913-2273.
References Used:
Visit Florida. Research (visitflorida.org). Accessed October 8, 2022.