Remember the old backyard trampoline? Well, now that all-time favorite, has expanded into trampoline parks with obstacles and countless ways to play. Unbeknownst to many, these trampoline parks have escalated into a billion-dollar industry. With such a high investment in the entertainment of children, many may assume that safety precautions have been perfected over the years, but don’t be fooled. Serious and fatal injuries are being hidden from public knowledge to protect these organizations.
According to CBS News, over the past seven years there has been a confirmed number of six deaths at trampoline parks. However, the number is likely much higher, as the statistics are often blocked by confidentiality agreements that shield the parks from sharing the number of casualties with the public. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has stated that in 2013 there were 2,500 trampoline related emergency visits, and, in 2018, it shot up to 18,000.
Don McPherson, a gymnastics coach, stated that since 2011 he has been an expert witness in court for over 200 cases in which people were injured at a trampoline park. McPherson stated that he has seen injuries such as broken necks, backs, dislocations of shoulders and elbows – all of which could potentially be life altering.
Rader Law Group represented a child who, while visiting a trampoline sports facility, fell while jumping and landed in a dangerous space between the mat and the wall. Although he initially denied that the condition was dangerous, under intensive questioning by Attorney Andrew Rader the manager of the park admitted that he not only knew that the condition was dangerous, but that he’d warned the owner of the park several times and the owner refused to correct it by properly affixing the mat.. Due to the negligence of the owner’s disregard of this condition, our young client suffered a severe fracture of her right ankle which caused continuous pain and limited mobility.
After the manager admitted the negligence, the park tried to get the case dismissed because the child’s mother had signed a Waiver shielding the park from liability. “Not so fast”, argued Rader. “We found Florida case law that renders such Waivers unenforceable. Therefore, the park is responsible.” The Court agreed and allowed the case to go forward.
Through the hard work, dedication, and extensive experience of our attorneys, Rader Law Group was
able to secure a very significant recovery for our client.
To help avoid such injuries while visiting a trampoline facility, or jumping on one in someone’s yard, it is important to practice safe jumping. Some tips for trampoline safety include:
- Although in this case the Waiver was found to be unenforceable, that may not always be the case. If at a facility, fill out the waiver beforehand and read it. All waivers are subject to providing each participant with safety tips specific to that park and are filled with rules and precautions to help avoid injuries.
- Avoid crowds – weekends, holidays, or other peak hours can cause overcrowding of the facility which can hinder the safety of jumping. Try to visit at a time which there will be ample room to jump safely.
- Wear the proper attire – avoid wearing jewelry that may be at risk for causing injuries to yourself or others, stick to athletic clothing and be cautious of loose-fitting clothes or pants that could get caught or cause you to trip.
If you, your child, or a loved one has been injured due to the negligence of a business, premises, or product, contact Rader Law Group at 954-913-CASE (2273). Together, our attorneys have over 70 years of fighting for the justice of those who have suffered. Your consultation is always FREE.