As residents of Coral Springs, we are fortunate to be able to go about our daily activities without fear or constantly looking over our shoulders. Nationally, Coral Springs is ranked in the 80th percentile for safety, meaning that the city has a lower crime rate than 80 percent of other cities in the United States. However, that doesn’t mean the city is crime-free. In fact, on average, a crime occurs in Coral Springs every 4 hours 6 minutes.
Violent Crimes
Violent crimes are the most frightening of all crimes. In addition to the physical damage they inflict on a victim’s body, the emotional scars from a violent attack can last a lifetime. These crimes are defined as assaults, robberies, rapes, and murders. The city is ranked in the 58th percentile in terms of violent crime, meaning that 42 percent of cities have less violent crime and 58 percent have more violent crime. Of the different types of violent crime, assault has the highest crime rate, at 1.43 assaults per 1,000 residents.
Property Crime
Property crimes include theft, vehicle theft, burglary, and arson. Depending on the extent of the destruction, these types of crimes can cause thousands, or sometimes even millions of dollars of damage. In Coral Springs, the most common type of property crime is theft, with a crime rate of 5.33 thefts per 1,000 residents.
Other Crime
This category is a catch-all for crimes such as kidnapping, drug crimes, vandalism, identity theft, and animal cruelty. Vandalism and drug crimes are the two most prevalent of these types of crimes in Coral Springs.
What To Do If You Are a Crime Victim
If you are the victim of a crime, your first step is to call 911. Give the police all the information you have about the crime so that they can start an investigation and bring the perpetrator to justice. If you are physically injured, seek medical care. Whether you are physically injured or not, it may be beneficial to speak with a therapist to work through the psychological impact of the crime on your mental health. If you are the victim of a property crime, contact your homeowners insurance to begin the process of recouping your stolen assets.
In addition to pressing criminal charges against the assailant, you may be able to recoup damages in a civil case, depending on the specifics of your situation. Contact Rader Law Group for a free case evaluation. We will advise you if pressing civil charges is an option to help recoup your losses. Our goal is always for our clients to receive justice.
Rader Law Group, LLC
With decades and decades combined experience, the attorneys at Rader Law Group understand the meaning of Justice. Our one and only mission is to get each client the justice he or she deserves; our team of attorneys never back down when we know our client is right.
We offer our clients the compassion and guidance they need as they work through trying times in their lives. The balance of working relentlessly for our clients combined with our caring approach has helped us achieve a fantastic record of success with our clients. We get our clients the justice they deserve.
At Rader Law Group, You matter. Your justice matters. Your Justice Starts Here. 954-913-2273.
References Used:
All data in this article is sourced from Crimegrade.org. The Safest and Most Dangerous Places in Coral Springs, FL: Crime Maps and Statistics | crimegrade.org. Accessed January 14, 2022.