Spending spring break in Florida means sunshine, beaches, and waves. But before you head out on your spring break getaway or your Florida staycation with family or friends, keep safety in mind as you plan your vacation.
Below are a few easy ways to keep your vacation happy, healthy, and injury-free.
Drink Responsibly – Dodge Slip & Falls
Know your limit and respect it. If you’ve had too much to drink, stop! Drinking excessively leads to accidents, injuries, and adverse situations.
Keep an eye on your drink so nobody tampers with it.
Drinking and swimming can be a lethal mix. Avoid consuming alcohol if you plan to play in the waves.
Drive Carefully – Avoid Car Collisions
There will be more people on the roads during spring break, especially near the beaches. Be extra cautious when driving in crowded areas.
Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you and your friends or family members are planning to drink, plan ahead and ensure you either have a designated driver or a plan to get a safe ride home by taxi, Uber, or Lyft.
Stay alert, drive defensively, and avoid distraction. Before starting the vehicle, turn off your cellphone or put it on mute in a closed compartment in the vehicle.
Steer Safely – Prevent Boating Accidents
Florida leads the nation with the highest number of boating accidents and fatalities. If you plan to operate a boat, take a boating safety course, conduct a thorough boat safety check before heading out, and avoid alcohol and other substances that may impair your ability. Additionally, when you’re in the boat, wear a life jacket.
Walk Cautiously – Avoid Pedestrian Accidents
Spring break is notorious for partying and recklessness, especially near the beaches. Although it can happen anytime, you can bet that some drivers won’t have their undivided attention on the road. As a pedestrian, be extra cautious as you cross streets, even if there are crosswalks.
Be Aware – Don’t Become a Victim
Be careful if you are traveling, particularly if you are in an unfamiliar, crowded area. Be aware of your surroundings and be ready to act. Stay with the people you came with. No matter how enticing it may be, leaving the group to go with someone you just met is risky.
Be Smart — Protect from the Pandemic
Just because it is spring break doesn’t mean we aren’t still in the midst of a pandemic! Be sure to continue following the CDC guidelines and wear a mask in public, wash hands frequently, clean frequently touched surfaces, avoid crowds and poorly ventilated places, stay six feet apart from others (unless you reside together), and avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
On behalf of Cuter Rader, P.L., we wish you a sunny, fun-filled, and safe vacation or staycation in Florida.
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