Imagine you’re driving home after having lunch with a friend, and suddenly you are struck by another car. You wake up in the hospital hours later and realize you’ve suffered severe injuries and need to be hospitalized for a week. The first thing that comes to mind is that your pet has been home alone for over eight hours. You realize you haven’t planned for something like this. You never considered that you would not be home in time to walk, feed or care for your pet. You wonder if you have given your house key to anyone – maybe a relative? A neighbor? A trusted friend? You may realize you have not.
Who plans to be injured?
If you have pets at home, they need to be taken care of by a trusted person in case of an emergency or if you have been injured and cannot get home. Similar to the stickers that can be placed on your front door or window for fire rescue purposes, this card is to be carried in your wallet next to your insurance card. Cut out the card and fill out the back with the name of someone that you trust to be contacted in case you are sick or unable to care for them.
Friendly advice from the law firm of Rader Law Group, LLC. We care. We are dedicated to helping accident victims recover substantial amounts of money to help them get their lives back on track. We recommend you pursue an accident claim soon as possible after the accident as there are certain time limitations on how long you have to file a claim.
Contact us at (954) 913-CASE (2273) for a complimentary consultation.