Halloween is right around the corner, which means ghosts and goblins will be trick-or-treating in our local neighborhoods. During this fun holiday we also need to keep our children safe from harm and injury while trick-or-treating. Below are safety tips to keep in mind to keep everyone safe.
Safety Tips for Trick-or-Treaters:
- Use only flame resistant costumes
- Children in costumes need to be able to see and be seen. Give them a flashlight to light their way and reflective tape on costumes or trick-or-treat bags to help them be seen, especially if they are wearing dark colors. Keep in mind that the sun sets at 6:39pm on Halloween evening.
- Make sure that children’s vision will not be obscured by masks or headpieces from costumes. This is especially important for crossing the street. Opt for face paint instead of a mask if you can.
- Be cautious around animals, especially dogs that can be frightened of costumes.
- Stay in neighborhoods you are familiar with. Visit homes that have the exterior lights on and only accept treats at the door, never enter a stranger’s home.
- Walk on sidewalks, if available. If not, walk on the edge of the roadway, facing oncoming traffic. Always look both ways before crossing the street and cross at corners or traffic signals when possible.
- Bring bottled water for trick-or-treaters. It’s still hot in Florida, and wearing warm costumes could overheat children.
- Travel in groups and encourage parents to walk children door to door while trick-or-treating.
- Always check children’s treats before they eat them. Discard anything that looks like it has been unwrapped or tampered with.
Tips for Motorists:
- Reduce distractions inside your car. Put your phone down and concentrate on the road and your surroundings.
- Slow down in residential areas where there will be trick-or-treaters walking and crossing the street. Children are excited about getting to the next house and could dart out into the street unexpectedly.
- Watch for children walking on roadways. Once the sun sets, it will be harder to see the trick-or-treaters in dark costumes.
- Don’t drink and drive. Over 40% of fatal crashes on Halloween night involve a drunk driver. Always designate a sober driver if you plan to drink.
Tips for Welcoming Trick-or-Treaters:
- Turn on outside lights before it gets dark to let trick-or-treaters know you want to be visited.
- Make sure your driveway is clear of debris and that there is a clear path for children to walk up to your front door.
- Clear any obstacles you may have on your porch or front yard that can be trip hazards.
- Restrain your pets.
Prevent accidents and injuries this Halloween by following these simple tips. Practicing proper safety will go a long way and will make for a very happy (and sugar-filled) Halloween! At Rader Law Group, LLC we care.