The great American pastime of celebrating the Fourth of July with friends, food, and fireworks is a highlight of summer. Unfortunately, a side effect of this celebration is the exceptionally high number of preventable injuries and accidental deaths that occur during these celebrations. According to Pew Research Center, approximately 91,000 individuals visit the emergency room on July 4-5 each year, higher than all other two-day periods of the year.
Following are some safety tips from Rader Law Group to help your family stay safe while having fun this Independence Day:
Leave the fireworks to the professionals.
Fireworks are the single largest cause of emergency room visits on Fourth of July . Fireworks can cause severe burns, eye injuries and vision loss, facial injuries, loss of extremities, and hearing loss. This is true even for sparklers and legally-purchased fireworks. Your safest option is to attend your city’s professionally-run fireworks display instead of trying to run your own.
Stay safe in the pool.
Ensure that your pool party doesn’t become the site of an accidental drowning or poolside injury. Hire a lifeguard or make sure a responsible, sober adult is watching the pool at all times. Don’t allow guests to dive into shallow water. Ensure that any children who are not proficient swimmers wear a life vest and remain in arm’s length of their parents when in the water.
Grill safely.
Grills can cause fires and severe burns. Be sure to place your grill far away from any branches, grass, or anything else that is flammable. Keep children and pets far away from the grill at all times. It’s also important to make sure that a sober adult is attending the grill at all times.
Drink Responsibly.
It’s relaxing to have a few drinks with friends on the holiday, but it can also be deadly when it comes time to drive home. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that 38% of all drivers killed during the Fourth of July holiday periods from 2017-2019 were drunk . Many drivers mistakenly believe it is ok to drive after drinking if it is only a short distance and they only had a couple drinks, but this line of thinking is dead wrong. If you plan to drink, arrange for a cab, rideshare, or designated driver to take you home.
The attorneys at Rader Law Group wish you a happy and safe Fourth of July holiday. We hope you don’t need us, but if you are injured on Fourth of July due to someone else’s negligence, we are here for you and will fight for you to receive justice for your injuries.
Rader Law Group, LLC
With decades and decades combined experience, the attorneys at Rader Law Group understand the meaning of Justice. Our one and only mission is to get each client the justice he or she deserves; our team of attorneys never back down when we know our client is right.
We offer our clients the compassion and guidance they need as they work through trying times in their lives. The balance of working relentlessly for our clients combined with our caring approach has helped us achieve a fantastic record of success with our clients. We get our clients the justice they deserve.
At Rader Law Group, You matter. Your justice matters. Your Justice Starts Here. 954-913-2273.
References Used:
The Pew Research Center. July 4 brings a boom in injury-related hospital visits | Pew Research Center. Accessed May 11, 2022.
The Pew Research Center. July 4 brings a boom in injury-related hospital visits | Pew Research Center. Accessed May 11, 2022.
NHTSA. Celebrate America Safely This July 4th | NHTSA. Accessed May 11, 2022.